Saturday, January 15, 2011

Some Pictures of Kiyah as a Baby

I'll love you forever... I'll like you for long as i'm living my baby you'll be. This was Michael's favorite outfit for her!

She was never much of a sleeper :)

Such a sweet little face.

I miss her being this little, cant believe she is already over 2 years old!

I loved her first.

This was my favorite picture of the day she was born. Candid shots are my favorite.

Me and my mini.

Already being 4 months pregnant again, looking back at these pictures makes me miss how tiny and wonderful she was. Kiyah has always been the best thing that ever happened in my life ( well Michael too) She is already over 2 and a half years old and I cant believe how fast the time is flying. I never really understood or believed people when they said that, but now actually experiencing it is just so crazy. I love Kiyah and value her more than my own life and I cant wait to watch her grow and live her dreams. Every day is like a new experience and journey with her and she simply amazes me. She knows just the way to melt my heart and I am SO blessed to have her.

1 comment:

  1. awwww! I miss those days too! She is soo stinkin' cute!! When's her birthday? My daughter is just about 2 and a half!
